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Buckeye Knows Water Heaters

The licensed plumbers at Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing provide customers in the city of Columbus, OH, and the surrounding areas with quality water heater care. Access new models with the energy-efficient features you want in multiple sizes, and trust our technicians to install your new unit correctly. Our team can diagnose any issue with your system, typically in just one visit to the site.

Whenever you begin to notice that your showers aren’t as warm as they used to be or your insulated tank springs a leak, contact Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to explore your options and replace your storage tank water heater with new gas or electric tankless water heaters or new units with storage tanks.

Your Local Water Heaters Experts

Don't put home comfort and your availability to hot water in the hands of an untrustworthy company. Since 1948, Buckeye has been serving the entire Central Ohio region, providing water heater services in:

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How to Select Water Heaters for Your Columbus, OH Home

Heating hot water for showers and other household uses is the third highest consumer of energy in the average home. Approximately 14% of energy costs are related to heated water. The type of water heater you select to install inside your home will have a real impact on the price you pay for gas or electric utility bills and can allow you to save money as well as lower operating costs for years to come.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind when shopping for water heater appliances:

  • The capacity of a storage-tank water heater refers to how many gallons of hot water can be stored inside the tank. Units are available in multiple sizes, with the capacity measured in gallons. Customers with larger families should consider water heaters that can hold a larger volume of hot water for various shower and cleaning needs amongst household members, while those with a smaller family can make do with smaller models.
  • Also, consider the first-hour rating (FHR) of any new water heater you are thinking about buying. The first-hour rating refers to the number of gallons of hot water the tank is able to deliver over an hour’s time when full. If your selection does not have a high enough first-hour rating, it will not supply enough water to provide for all the activities occurring in the home.
  • The energy factor (EF) of a water heater model expresses its energy efficiency. The higher this rating, the more efficient the unit is at heating water and storing heated water.
  • Efficiency ratings aren’t the only features you need to consider when it comes to ongoing operating expenses for each model. The type of energy used will also affect the price you pay on monthly utility bills. Gas water heaters are typically less expensive to operate than electric water heaters, as gas utility prices are cheaper than electric utility prices in most areas.

Maintenance for Water Heaters in Columbus, OH

How can you protect the integrity of your water heater, reduce the likelihood of malfunctions that require repair, and keep the unit in service for a longer period? Professional maintenance for water heaters includes services designed to improve the performance of your unit and extend its service life. Regular maintenance for water heaters will help homeowners save money on repair costs as well as operating costs.

Flushing the tank is a type of maintenance necessary for tank water heaters. Over time as water passes through the tank, minerals and sediment can fall out of suspension and settle in the bottom of the tank. They form a layer between the heating element and the water supply, insulating the heating element and preventing heat transfer to the water. These deposits can cause the heat exchanger to fail and even create cracks in the lining of the tank. Flushing the water heater tank removes these particles to protect the Integrity of the unit, ridding the tank of calcium, rust, iron, dirt, mineral scale, bacteria, and other particles.

Plumbers make quick work of flushing water heaters for water heater maintenance. Power is shut off to the unit, disconnecting gas for gas water heaters, and shutting off the incoming water supply. A hose is attached to the drain valve of the water heater, with the opposite end directed outdoors or into a nearby drain. Opening the drain valve allows all of the hot water to empty from the tank, flushing out sediment and deposits in the process. Once all that water has exited the tank, fresh water is flushed through the unit to clear out any remaining matter.

Water heater flushing should be performed at least once a year in most situations. If you have not maintained your water heater regularly, it’s not always wise to start doing so after years of use. The sediment that can settle inside the tank and cause problems can prevent some that tend to arise when neglected water heater tanks are flushed. Flushing sediment can pull this material out of cracks in the tank lining and expose irreparable leaks. In older water heaters that have not been well maintained, it’s better to forego flushing to avoid removing any material that could be clogging cracks and preventing leaks from the tank.

If you are a handy homeowner and feel capable of performing this water heater maintenance yourself, make tank flushing a part of your yearly home maintenance routine. If you notice any problems with your water heater during or after flushing and maintenance, call the plumbers of Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to inspect your unit and make any necessary repairs.

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